Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lancaster County: Amish Country

recently we took a trip to Lancaster Pennsylvania to see the countryside, and of course the Amish. going into the trip i had my expectations of a Laura Ingalls Wilder experience - not that she was Amish, or lived in Pennsylvania for that matter - but the wholesome aspect of her life. i remember spotting the first carriage coming over the hill (the picture above) and immediately became mesmerized. the simple idea that everything we do, our day to day activities all developed from a manual way of doing things. i am convinced that the Amish are the gate keepers of green living - although recently read that around 500 Amish farmers are using GMO crops. putting all that aside, i hope you enjoy the pictures,and if given the chance please go and visit.....and have some shoofly pie!
Photos by: D. Ybarra

1 comment:

  1. David- your new blog is wonderful. Great photographs, can't wait to read more and try some of your recipes.
