Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So i've done pretty good keeping up with the gym, and keeping active - i think i am seeing results. The only hard part for me is staying FULL! it seems like every time i eat i leave the table more hungry, and before you ask, yes i am drinking plenty of water. i think it's going to be a while before i feel completely comfortable with this whole thing.

i went to a friends beach house this weekend for our annual "Beach Bum Weekend" and i ate pretty damn good! i decided that if i stick to a routine during the work week - eating balanced meals, and taking my lunch - then i can kinda be bad on the weekends. Although it's tough to cook at home every night and pack lunches for the next day, it's fun to try new recipes and finding a new path is not so bad.

the other night i had a complete meltdown, the 'Woe is Me' thing would have been the perfect title to that performance. After things didn't come together for dinner, i threw myself on the bed and thought about what i could be eating.... Dinner in Chinatown, my favorite Peruvian place, or hell, my Bean Enchiladas with Mole' sauce. i laid there thinking/feeling sorry for myself, but then i thought about all the other people/friends i have in my life struggling with much bigger problems...when in doubt, think about those folks. i got up, finished the performance and got busy with dinner. Ha!

i guess the old saying is true, "the grass is always greener on the other side.... but it's probably fertilized with Bullshit.."

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